Point Score Week 16 —6th Mrch 2025
5 rounds left till Finals
Feel free to fill out and get the signatures on your new nomination form for next comp — Winter 2025, and send them in with your results sheets.
Thank you to the sides who played short for various reasons
Especially to those 2 teams who played with 4
Teams score marked with an * have had a bye game
Please feel free to share this post with your teams.
Div 1 Maywest 6 Phantoms 5, Grizzlies 7 Vikings 4,
Cobras 9 Kelpies 2, Highlanders 12(bye) Lyons 12
Cobras 173* Grizzlies 138 Maywest 117 Phantoms 109
Vikings 96 Kelpies 95 Highlanders 83*
Div 2 Jaggers 7 Bandicoots 4, Wolverines 8 Rat Pack 3,
Time Lords 7 Team Taz 4, Lyons 12(bye) Highlanders 12
Jaggers 140 Time Lords 129 Lyons 120* Wolverines 119
Bandicoots 112* Rat Pack 100 Team Taz 88
Div 3 Gargoyles 6 Taipans 5, Reapers 6 Unravelled 5,
Jokers 7 Guards 4, Firebirds 12(bye) Wolf Cubs 12
Reapers 132 Taipans 128 Guards 121* Firebirds 113*
Gargoyles 111 Jokers 109 Unravelled 90
Div 4 Breakaways 6 Bandits 5, Cricketeers 9 Crusaders 2,
Z Graders 9 Misfitz 2, Wolf Cubs 12(bye) Firebirds 12
Z Graders 162 Cricketeers 149 Bandits 116*
Wolf Cubs 103* Breakaways 99 Misfitz 97 Crusaders 89
Div 5 The Arms 6 Firecrackers 5, Dartillery 10 All Stars 1,
Meerkats 8 Dynamites 3, Tigers 8 Gunners 3
Dartillery 165 The Arms 138 Tigers 123 Meerkats 118
Dynamites 99 Gunners 70 All Stars 70 Firecrackers 41